Sport England:
This Girl Can


This Girl Can. The most successful arrangement of three words I think I’ll probably ever achieve. Raymond Chan and I kicked off the whole thing; creating the brand from scratch, writing the big TV ad, the social content, all the posters, the whole enchilada.

To this date, the campaign has encouraged over two million women in the UK to start exercising, the hashtag #thisgirlcan has been used about a zillion times, there’s been a This Girl Can clothing range at M&S, it was voted the 31st best ad in the world ever, it’s one of Campaign’s best things of the last 50 years, one of Ad Age’s Top 10 European ads of the decade, and people generally went bananas for it. Apart from Janet Street-Porter.

Films directed by my all-time favourite, Kim Gehrig. Photography by the excellent Charlie Campbell and legendary Adam Hinton.

Creative Team: Raymond Chan & Simon Cenamor
CD: Bryn Attewell
CCO: Al Young


Apple at Work


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